2022 Why I'm not a good person. The New Kommers
2021 Driverless Dilemmas: Instilling Human Common Sense Aboard Autonomous Vehicles Inside Autonomous Vehicles
2021 Can autonomous vehicles drive with common sense? Working knowledge [featured in Harvard Gazette]
2020 Putting Common Sense Back in the Driver’s Seat. Harvard GSAS [featured in the Harvard Gazette]
2020 Interview with Ricardo Lopes. The Self, Morality, And Common Knowledge. The Dissenter
2019 Doubting driverless dilemmas with Sam Anthony and Julian De Freitas? Merge Now
2019 What do people think is the best way to give charity? Psychology today
2019 A máquina moral. Super Interessante
2019 The driverless dilemma: touchstone or red herring? Cars of the Future
2019 Why the Trolley Dilemma is a terrible model for trying to make self-driving cars safer. Fast Company
2019 Trolley dilemmas shouldn't influence self-driving policies, experts argue. Robotics Business Review
2019 Why the "trolley problem" is the wrong way to think about AVs. Axios
2019 What Maimonides – and Larry David – knew about the psychology of giving. Sinai and Synapses
2018 Belief in a noble 'true self' may help heal our divisions. Pacific Standard
2015 What does it take to be truly happy? Psychology Today